What is an F10 notification/ when is a construction project notifiable?

What is an F10 notification/ when is a construction project notifiable?

A construction project is notifiable if the construction work is expected to either last longer than 30 working days and have more than 20 workers working at the same time at any point on the project, or, if the construction work exceeds 500 person days (For example, a project that lasts 29 days and only ever has 19 workers on site would still be notifiable as the combined person days would exceed 500). If the construction project meets either of the above criteria then the health and safety executive ( HSE) must be notified by means of an F10, utilising the online form on the link https://form.hse.gov.uk/f10. In order to complete the F10 you must know the contact details for the client ( i.e. yourself), the principal designer and the principal contractor. In general, it is the client who must submit the F10 however if you have appointed a principal designer or CDM advisor then you can instruct them to issue the F10 in your place.