Fire Safety within Commercial Hospitality and Retail premises

It should go without saying that as the owner or operator of a business or commercial property your primary focus above all else, should be the safety of your employees and customers. In this article we will focus on fire safety and the measures you must take to ensure you comply with required British Building […]
Al Fresco Dining & Outdoor Spaces

What is al fresco dining? In Italian, al fresco literally means ‘in the cold,’ but in English, it is used to mean ‘outside’ or ‘in the open’. In its native Italian, al fresco also means ‘in prison’. If you tell an Italian waiter that you’d like to dine al fresco, you may get a funny […]
Creating harmonious, functional and beautiful spaces

Successful spacing through interior design is achieved by the interior designer being involved in choregraphing the sequence of a space. By doing this, it ensures that a project reflects a single design approach by a fluent design being fathomed by the architect and designer together. It is essential for all parties involved to understand the […]
Adapt to Survive

It is no secret that the UK hospitality industry has been struggling under the weight of the pandemic, Brexit and more latterly the cost of living and energy crises. These events have further exacerbated the existing struggles with cost of overheads and products and the short shrift given to the industry by our own government. […]
Carving a Niche

When initially contemplating a new hospitality investment ( be it a pub, restaurant, hotel or other) it is important to have a clear idea of your vision and where you intend to position the business within the market place. It can be tempting for investors and designers alike to cast their eye across existing businesses […]
What is Permitted Development?

Permitted development rights are a list of alterations that are acceptable to make to a domestic or commercial property without the need to apply for planning permission. In order to carry out alterations under PDRs there are certain conditions and limitations that must be met in order to be PDRs compliant which, In the case […]
The Perils of Party wall

What is party wall consent? The party wall Act provides a framework for preventing or resolving disputes in relation to party walls, party structures, boundary walls and excavations near neighbouring buildings. If you own a property that shares a wall or boundary with a neighbouring property and intend to undertake structural/ building works that would […]
Community Spirit – The importance of the local pub to the community

Community spirit is in decline. We are increasingly becoming a society where you are hard-pressed to know the names of your neighbours to the left and right, let alone the people who live further down, or the next street along. A community needs a hub, a centre, a meeting place. It needs something that brings […]
Taking the Inside Out

In a highly competitive market, it is important for hospitality venues to offer services and facilities that differentiate them from the competition, as well as make the most efficient use of the space available to enable them to generate maximum profitability. One way to achieve this, is through the formation of a dynamic and exciting […]
Functionality Foremost

Your newly fitted out bar does not necessarily need to adopt the latest design and trends in the hospitality industry, but it needs to be innovative in practicality and functionality foremost. A beautifully designed bar is redundant without carefully considered design when it comes to creating a space that maximises customer service and efficiency. This […]